Time to Time...
Time is a funny thing, isn’t it? I am a firm believer that everything comes to you at the right time and I think that is the only thing that keeps my head held up high and my heart safe. If I never knew about this ‘right time’, I never would have understood why some events took place in my life, why things that broke my heart also gave me a nudge that I needed to move forward. I read so many quotes about how time heals everything. I think that’s not true. In a sense? Yes. I think as time passes, many things in your life lead you to be the stronger person with a tough heart that has its doors locked and windows slightly opened. As time passes, everything just makes sense and even though, it doesn’t end the pain, it sure does help you to numb it. The following poem is called ‘Time to Time’. It’s about how I, even though I know I shouldn’t, still think about him. like he’s a place I can’t escape, a book that doesn’t end or a poem that is so beautifully complex that I have reread it over...