Burned Empire...
It was just too late for me to understand that you were just a chapter in my life, not a whole story. And I got stuck by the time... I knew I will get out of our chapter eventually because its never too late but I also knew that there is a reason behind every happening. I couldn't stop but wonder what that is...
So I kept re-reading that chapter, never got enough of you and your charisma... never knew that there are more chapters which are just waiting for me to read them... But I knew there was something wrong in our chapter... Something like a missing page, like a forgotten promise, like an incomplete end... I thought I will figure it out before its too late but destiny wanted something else...
I kept looking, I kept digging for something which maybe never was there.. But I was damn sure that you had dark secrets craved under your skin and I had that burning flame inside me which was ready to peel off your skin to finish that every single drop of black blood flowing inside your veins. This time I was not vulnerable or naive... This time I was a starting point of your destruction, this time I was the end of your terrorism and darkness... This time I was the scariest nightmare of yours.
You know, you had everything but never earned anything. You thought the world goes round n round just like your mistakes... Yes, it definitely does. But the mistakes you made were so haunted that there was no other option than payback of your actions, of your fakeness. And I was no one else than your payback... For you, I was a cursed poem. And you memorized every part of it.
I wanted to move on, I wanted to forget that we've ever met, I wanted us to be strangers, I wanted to forget you and your deadly kingdom but then you pulled me in... And that is when you let your own death enter inside the safest place of yours. When I got to know those deepest secrets, my wishes changed. Now, I realized I don't want to forget anything about you... I want to burn everything with you. All my soul wanted was to burn your kingdom... No not with the fire because I never want you to have a sudden death... I wanted you to die slowly, feeling every part of your body ache. I wanted you to know every ounce of pain you caused to me.
I wanted you to know the power of innocent girl when you take away her innocence against her will...